TATD: Fighting for Social Justice with TREE


Often times we think about the disparity minorities face and feel helpless.  However, there are people working towards equality and making an impact each day, fighting for the justice of those who are wronged, neglected and discriminated against.  Together Restoring Economic Empowerment, or TREE, is an example of a group making great efforts in fighting injustice.




Interview with TREE founder, Abre’ Conner 


When was TREE established and who created the organization?

Together Restoring Economic Empowerment (TREE) was founded in January 2015 with the goal of serving young people of color through social media platforms and on the ground community programming. Prior to the widespread media coverage on water issues in Flint and the keystone pipeline crisis emphasizing the importance for young people of color to engage in environmental justice conversation in various spaces, TREE created an infrastructure for rapid response to environmental justice, economic justice, and entertainment diversity and media bias. Continue reading “TATD: Fighting for Social Justice with TREE”

“13 Reasons Why” is Worth A Watch

This week, I am taking a little detour from diversity/culture to talk about a very relevant, and important, topic: 13 Reasons Why.

Click this link for an awesome video explaining the purpose of the series! (WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Based on the 2007 novel of the same name, 13 Reasons Why released as a Netflix series on March 31st.  The show is gaining critical acclaim, and rightfully so.  Centering on Hannah Baker’s suicide, the plot focuses on 13 record tapes Baker left behind, each containing a reason why she killed herself.  As instructed by Baker, the tapes are passed on to each person who caused her to end her life. Continue reading ““13 Reasons Why” is Worth A Watch”