Dear Anti-Racists: The Time to Act Is Now

Are you against racism?  Are you appalled by the rally in Charlottesville carried on by repulsive, tiki torch carrying neo-Nazi/KKK white supremacist bigots?  Are you feeling bitter or sad that a life was lost due to pure hatred?

If you said yes to any of these, then read on.

The problem with countering racism in the current state of this country is that we are too passive.  We are either lazy, scared, afraid of judgement or believe that we are incapable of making a difference.  It is time we wake up people!  We need to be able to say we did something to prevent the spread of hate and intolerance, not remorse after every gruesome aftermath!  A hashtag won’t save us.  A meek retweet won’t change the country.  It takes so much more than that. Continue reading “Dear Anti-Racists: The Time to Act Is Now”

Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi


When Luvvie Ajayi walked onto the BlogHer 17 stage this past June, I instantly fell in love with her authenticity and sensational sense of humor.  Luvvie is the type of person that will tell it to you straight.  I respect that so much!

The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.
The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.

Continue reading “Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi”

‘Dear White People’ Activates Generation Woke

Hey everyone!  The Indie-Lancer is back!  Thank you all so much for your patience.  I am so grateful for you.  I truly appreciate every view, comment, criticism and compliment you each bestow upon me.

I’ve wanted to do a post about the Netflix show, Dear White People, for a while now.  Although the controversy and criticism of the series may seem like stale news, its sentiment and importance can never lose timeliness.

Dear White People, based on the satirical movie of the same name, follows a group of black college students coping with discrimination at a fictional Ivy League university.  The main character, Samantha White, hosts a radio show within the campus called ‘Dear White People’, a joking, yet very serious, attempt to inform the predominantly white campus of the blatant racism within the school. Continue reading “‘Dear White People’ Activates Generation Woke”