Orlando Spreads Pride and Acceptance


For more than 365 days, I struggled with the gripping reality that a block away from my high school, now Alma mater, 49 innocent lives were mercilessly taken.

The sad thing about living so close to tragedy is the instinctual human impulse to numb the pain.  To move on and try to forget.  Remembering hurts too much.

In these tough and trying times, we, the people of Orlando, defied human nature.

No, we did not wallow in our sorrows.

No, we did not forget our pain. Continue reading “Orlando Spreads Pride and Acceptance”

Orlando Strong: Love Conquers All

This past weekend, tragedy struck my hometown.  From the time I received this news during my vacation in Savannah, my emotions have shifted from shock, anger, grief, fear, disbelief and ultimately resilience.

The fact of the matter is that we do not live in a perfect world.  Tragedy strikes every minute.

However my friends, you and I have something stronger than the evils that strike the world.


Let us all learn to fight our fears with the love we have in our hearts.

Let us not forget to smile.

Let us not forget how to laugh.  

Let us not forget how to dance.

Let us not forget to pray.  In times of grief, and in times of joy.

Let us all have faith.  For me, that is faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

But for those who beg to disagree, still have faith.

Have faith in love.

Have faith in compassion.

Have faith in humanity and the good that we are capable of.

Let us not dwell in what is bad, it will only drag us down.

Hate will not win.

 Only love.