Meet the Lovely Lorraine Ladish


As I’m sure you all can gather from my previous posts, BlogHer 17 was a spectacular experience!  I met so many kind, inspirational and ambitious people.  Bloggers are true, dedicated hustlers!  It isn’t as easy as it may seem.

While sitting in one of the BlogHer sessions, I felt a particularly special connection with panelist Lorraine Ladish.  There is just something about her!  Her energy, her story and certainly her good-hearted advice.

So of course, I had to interview her!

Ladish is the CEO and founder of Viva Fifty! , a bilingual (Spanish & English) site celebrating life when reaching 50+.  Although I, and most of my audience, am at the early stages of life, it is so rewarding to gain wisdom from those older than us.

Age and culture should be equally celebrated at all ages!  Viva Life!

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Meet Lorraine Ladish


Me with CEO and founder of Viva Fifty! , Lorraine C. Ladish!

Tell me a bit about where you grew up.  How did it shape your character? Continue reading “Meet the Lovely Lorraine Ladish”