Meet Antonio: Polyglot & World Traveler


Don’t you just love looking at aesthetic Instagram feeds?  From mouthwatering food pics to cute new outfit ideas, IG definitely knows how to lure people in.

My favorite feeds are the ones that allow me to dream.  Ones that show me what the beautiful world has to offer.  @mikeantonio‘s feed is one of those special, dream-inducing accounts.

Blogger ( and student, Antonio, grew up in the States, but now lives the life of a constant traveler.  Trekking his way through countries within South America, Europe, the Mediterranean and more, Antonio journeys with an open mind.  He immerses himself in each culture and allows it to shape his character and overall outlook on life.  In fact he speaks 4 languages fluently (English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish) and 4 conversationally (Arabic, Croatian, Greek and French)!

21 Countries in 21 Years

He lives his life with the ultimate goal of becoming a global citizen.  If that isn’t inspirational, I don’t know what is! Continue reading “Meet Antonio: Polyglot & World Traveler”

The Mixed Series: Meet Amanda




Where are your parents from?

My mom is of Cuban descent and my father is of Italian descent.

What is like being multicultural?

I realized that being multicultural allows me to embrace my heritage and be one with my culture.


Continue reading “The Mixed Series: Meet Amanda”