Dear Anti-Racists: The Time to Act Is Now

Are you against racism?  Are you appalled by the rally in Charlottesville carried on by repulsive, tiki torch carrying neo-Nazi/KKK white supremacist bigots?  Are you feeling bitter or sad that a life was lost due to pure hatred?

If you said yes to any of these, then read on.

The problem with countering racism in the current state of this country is that we are too passive.  We are either lazy, scared, afraid of judgement or believe that we are incapable of making a difference.  It is time we wake up people!  We need to be able to say we did something to prevent the spread of hate and intolerance, not remorse after every gruesome aftermath!  A hashtag won’t save us.  A meek retweet won’t change the country.  It takes so much more than that. Continue reading “Dear Anti-Racists: The Time to Act Is Now”

A Deeper Look at Stereotypes



Inevitably a part of human nature, making assumptions allows us to associate certain traits with certain characteristics.  Our ability to do this is truly remarkable!  With this gift, we can connect, act and communicate easily with a broad range of people. Continue reading “A Deeper Look at Stereotypes”