Meet the Lovely Lorraine Ladish


As I’m sure you all can gather from my previous posts, BlogHer 17 was a spectacular experience!  I met so many kind, inspirational and ambitious people.  Bloggers are true, dedicated hustlers!  It isn’t as easy as it may seem.

While sitting in one of the BlogHer sessions, I felt a particularly special connection with panelist Lorraine Ladish.  There is just something about her!  Her energy, her story and certainly her good-hearted advice.

So of course, I had to interview her!

Ladish is the CEO and founder of Viva Fifty! , a bilingual (Spanish & English) site celebrating life when reaching 50+.  Although I, and most of my audience, am at the early stages of life, it is so rewarding to gain wisdom from those older than us.

Age and culture should be equally celebrated at all ages!  Viva Life!

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Meet Lorraine Ladish


Me with CEO and founder of Viva Fifty! , Lorraine C. Ladish!

Tell me a bit about where you grew up.  How did it shape your character? Continue reading “Meet the Lovely Lorraine Ladish”

Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi


When Luvvie Ajayi walked onto the BlogHer 17 stage this past June, I instantly fell in love with her authenticity and sensational sense of humor.  Luvvie is the type of person that will tell it to you straight.  I respect that so much!

The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.
The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.

Continue reading “Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi”

BlogHer 17 Generates Women Empowerment



We all screamed the word at the top of our lungs.  I look at the hundreds of women surrounding me. Some a bit bashful, others unapologetically bold.

“Come on!” Vagisil CEO, Keech Combe-Shetty, prompted us from the BlogHer 17 stage.

“Vagina!  We all came from them, half of us have them and the other half spends most of their lives trying to get back in them.”

Being a woman in this world remains challenging.

According to the World Economic Forum, the United States of America comes in at #45 in terms of gender equality. 44 countries outperform us!  What is up with the number 45 cursing American society within the past couple of years? Continue reading “BlogHer 17 Generates Women Empowerment”