Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi


When Luvvie Ajayi walked onto the BlogHer 17 stage this past June, I instantly fell in love with her authenticity and sensational sense of humor.  Luvvie is the type of person that will tell it to you straight.  I respect that so much!

The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.
The outstanding and hilarious Luvvie Ajayi.

As a person who meticulously filters every word and action, it is so refreshing to hear Luvvie speak so openly and freely about her opinions, especially in her book “I’m Judging You”.  True to its title, Luvvie’s funny, yet insightful, book is dedicated to helping us humans become more aware of the crappy stuff we do.  Providing super analytical and engaging takes on the flaws within life, culture, social media and fame, Luvvie challenges us all to be better people.

It’s probably no surprise to you that my favorite section of the book is titled ‘Part II Culture’.  While I was reading this section, I couldn’t help myself from unleashing my inner Mary Jane Paul.  I literally dedicated a whole Google document for writing down my favorite quotes!  There’s some seriously good stuff in this book!  S/o to Luvvie, the modern-day philosopher.  She slays!



Here are some of my favorite Luvvie Ajayi quotes from the ‘Culture’ section of ‘I’m Judging You’ (click to enlarge):


What is the pettiest thing people do?

(answer in comment section)

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8 thoughts on “Best Quotes from ‘I’m Judging You’ by Luvvie Ajayi”

  1. Those quotes are so #real.
    I’m not sure about other people but the prettiest thing I’ve ever done is take screenshots of an argument and said to everyone we mutually knew :/ can’t even remember what the fight was over lol


    1. So true! It’s terrible when you see those on TV shows or the internet. Pain shouldn’t be funny, I don’t understand it haha.


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