“13 Reasons Why” is Worth A Watch

This week, I am taking a little detour from diversity/culture to talk about a very relevant, and important, topic: 13 Reasons Why.

Click this link for an awesome video explaining the purpose of the series! (WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS)

Based on the 2007 novel of the same name, 13 Reasons Why released as a Netflix series on March 31st.  The show is gaining critical acclaim, and rightfully so.  Centering on Hannah Baker’s suicide, the plot focuses on 13 record tapes Baker left behind, each containing a reason why she killed herself.  As instructed by Baker, the tapes are passed on to each person who caused her to end her life.

I haven’t read the novel, but after the many recommendations of the series, I decided to give it a go.

At first, I was hesitant.  Why in the world would I want to watch a series about a girl who killed herself and made lives miserable in her grave?

Mixed Series Quotes (1)

Before looking at this series, I didn’t have any sympathy for people, especially teens, who would take their own life.  I didn’t understand how someone could be miserable enough to not even care about the agony they would leave behind them.

This series opened my eyes.  It allowed me to see the harsh realities I ignore, disregard or shy away from.

I applaud the show for bringing up the disheartening, yet common, issues within adolescent society in such a raw, authentic way.

Mixed Series Quotes (2)

13 Reasons Why is not afraid to vividly depict pain, profanity, shame, grief, vulgarity, violence nor sexual assault.  Each shot is thoughtfully orchestrated in a way that forces the viewer to genuinely feel the discomfort of these situations.

The series allows viewers to see the damaging impact of hateful actions, so that we can finally realize the severity of them.

Mixed Series Quotes (4)

Suicidal thoughts are not something to be taken lightly.  If you, or anyone you know, is going through depression, PLEASE SEEK HELP.  Never underestimate the significance of your existence!  You are here for a great purpose.  Know that whatever mess you are going through will eventually subside.  Nothing in life is permanent.


-This too, shall pass-



Why is life worth living?

(answer in comment section)

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6 thoughts on ““13 Reasons Why” is Worth A Watch”

  1. Very serious topic. One that we should give deep thought.
    I think that life is not just worth living, but worth living with gratitude.
    Because each day is a gift from our creator.We will have good days, not so good days, and bad days.All these days would pass,they would not last forever.
    All and All, Life is beautiful experience.


  2. I just finished watching this movie and was very surprised and impressed with the topic and message. Life is very valuable and precious! Never pass judgement and assume you know what another is experiencing. Treat each other with kindness, love and support. Wonderful piece Monique!


  3. Why is life worth living? That’s thought provoking.., and I think differs from person to person. So I’ll answer in relation to me.
    I find life worth living because of the people I meet. Whether bad or good they help me grow, give me the wisdom to help others and myself in the future. Life is a constantly learning process and I love that. Sure I have my ups and downs, but everyone does! And that helps sometimes, but I think the #1 thing that makes me find life worth living are, as cliché as it might be, my friends. I love them, and I know they love me. We support one another making sure our lows are never too low and celebrating the highs with us. Great topic 🙂


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